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Together, we can contribute to a
Climate-Friendly Future!
2 ways to contribute
Support our campaigns
Take part in our actions to support climate projects that matter.
Start your fundraiser
Every occasion to celebrate something is good to support a cause you care about

Support our campaigns
Take part in our actions to support climate projects that matter.

Start your fundraiser
Every occasion to celebrate something is good to support a cause you care about

Our purpose
Founded by CO2logic - a South Pole company and partnering with local beneficiary organizations, Earth Funders supports environmental projects that generate a positive impact for the climate, for biodiversity and for local populations around the world.
Our promise: 100% of all donations go to the project
Discover the #positiveimpact of our projects around the world

Earth Funders is Ethibel certified
Do you remember the first campaign launched last automn by Earth Funders, an initiative from CO2 logic to raise funds in support of early stage climate projects ? If you missed…
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